Greek prime minister refuses to call off bailout referendum and accuses Europe of attempting to ‘blackmail’ the country into accepting terms in TV address


‘Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has vowed to press ahead with his plan to put austerity measures to voters after European creditors rebuffed its latest proposal for a new aid program. But finance ministers were still discussing the country’s situation and nothing seemed set in stone.

Many European officials had ruled out any deal with Greece before a referendum called by Tsipras for Sunday. He is asking Greeks whether they want to accept creditors’ reform proposals in return for rescue loans.
Tsipras today defiantly said the referendum would go ahead and called on the people to vote ‘no.’ In a televised address to the nation, he said a ‘no’ result would not mean that Greece would have to leave the euro, as many European officials have argued. Rather, Tsipras claimed, it would give the government a stronger negotiating position with creditors.’

Read more: Greek prime minister refuses to call off bailout referendum and accuses Europe of attempting to ‘blackmail’ the country into accepting terms in TV address

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