Greeks Say “No, There’s a Limit to the Tyrant’s Power!” Now What are We Going To Do?

Despite a campaign of terror and blackmail against them, on Sunday, July 5, the Greek people voted by a margin of over 61% to less than 39%, not to submit to the tyrant Zeus’s power, not to willingly submit to genocidal austerity based upon an illegitimate debt imposed upon it fraudulently, as demanded by the British Empire. Their vote of “No” is a resounding “Yes” to a future, not just for Greeks, but for humanity, however uncertain that future may be at the moment.

As Lyndon LaRouche stressed upon hearing the results of the vote, this vote will not have consequences just for Greece. The vote has consequences for the world, and especially for the Trans-Atlantic region.

The question is, what is Obama going to do? This vote will have consequences for Obama, because he is a mere stooge of the British Empire and of Wall Street, both of which will be hit hard by the Greek vote.

In Germany, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble are in deep trouble. The German economy has been plunging down. Any sane German will come to one conclusion—dump Merkel and Schaeuble. From the standpoint of the German economy, no other sane conclusion exists. Germany is virtually the sole remaining producing nation in Europe. If Germany doesn’t want to commit suicide, it has no other alternative but to dump Merkel and Schaeuble now. They are not expenses Germany can continue to carry. The German economy is already in free-fall. How long will Germany survive under its current misleadership?

And for that matter, how long will the United States survive under Obama’s misleadership?

LaRouche stressed that we can expect sudden changes globally immediately ahead. There will be an instinct to punish Greece for not losing.

The changes will be global in nature, hitting primarily the TransAtlantic region. Be prepared for all Hell to break out. On July 7, The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) New Development Bank will be officially launched. On July 8-9, the BRICS nations will be meeting Ufa, Russia. Will the British Empire’s stooges attempt to force Greece out of the Eurozone? If so, will Greece join the BRICS? Or will an attempt be made to try to keep Greece in the Eurozone? Either way, the issue is not Greece per se. The issue is the bankruptcy of the Trans-Atlantic region as a whole. As LaRouche stressed, there is no single solution, but rather there is a set of complications. There will be a global effect. The real markets are not limited by any means to Europe. Financial activities are global in nature.

Therefore, the crisis has to be looked at not from the bottom up, but rather from the top down. To do so, you have to extract yourself from your local surroundings. We are facing a global crisis, not a local one. Even a write-down of the Greek debt alone would not solve the crisis.

As LaRouche has said, what is required is to reimpose Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass Steagall legislation in the United States and globally.

As LaRouche emphasized, absolutely nothing is fixed. Everything you count on could vanish in days. The whole world could be turned upside-down.

Therefore, the approach that must be taken is to go for the center of the action. Start from the galactic center. You must look at the planet as a whole, under galactic implications. You have to understand man’s existence from that standpoint. Processes which govern the galaxy determine everything. You must go from the whole to the particular, not from the particular to the whole. The galaxy has manifold considerations, which mankind thus far only appreciates to a limited degree.

The word from the mouth of Satan is “be practical,” when in fact what is actually needed is to be creative!

We know more and more of the dimensions of the problems to be solved. As we explore those dimensions, we become more qualified to correctly address the problems humanity is facing. To do this, you must develop yourselves to have sufficient competence to make decisions on a global scale.

This is the importance of classical music. The way you have to think at a moment of global crisis, such as we are now confronting, is from the standpoint of classical music. The classical musical principle is never located in the mere notes as such. It is a question of placement. The truly great classical composer places his identity, as Beethoven did, in a personal mission to improve the human condition, by elevating the human mind to be in harmony with the musical principle of the world, to be in concordance with the creative principle of the galaxy.

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