Hillary Clinton Must Tell the Truth About Benghazi, and Bring Down Obama Before He Unleashes the Guns of August

With every passing day that Obama remains in the White House, the danger of a thermonuclear confrontation between the United States and Russia escalates—especially with Congress on recess as of the end of this week. Add to the growing list of potential flash-points for unleashing such a war, all fanned by the British Empire, the situation around Turkey and Syria. NATO today held an emergency meeting in Brussels, at Turkey’s request, to address that crisis—only the fifth time in the organization’s history such a meeting has been called.
The Russian government of Vladimir Putin is not amused by this trajectory of world events. Putin used an interview with a Swiss TV network on July 25 to state, yet again, Russia’s strict rejection of the ballistic missile defense policy of Obama and NATO, and advising, once again, that “we are developing strike systems capable of overcoming any missile defense system.”
But the most efficient way to stop the drive to war, Lyndon LaRouche again emphasized today, is to get Obama’s finger off the button by politically removing him from the White House. LaRouche stated that, although Hillary Clinton remains to this date a captive pawn of Obama, she could reverse that situation by coming clean on Benghazi. Obama lied about Benghazi, and then ordered Hillary to lie as well to cover up what actually happened.
If Hillary simply told the truth, LaRouche said, this would bring down Obama. It would also mean the end of her Presidential aspirations, but that would be a small price to pay to become a belated heroine, including pulling the world back from the brink of thermonuclear war. She should come forward now, LaRouche emphasized, and come clean. That is the most efficient way to silence the Guns of August, before they are unleashed.
LaRouche added that he and his movement will not simply wait around for events to unfold. We have a responsibility to get the truth out, which we will do in the upcoming issue of EIR, he said. That will help Hillary own up to the facts. And it will help free up the Democratic Party for the crucial tasks ahead, including returning the U.S. to the Glass-Steagall standard, as the first step towards national and global economic reconstruction.

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