It’s a deal! EU leaders strike ‘unanimous agreement’ on Greek bailout following marathon all night talks after Athens government agrees to ‘serious reforms’ of its economy

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‘Eurozone leaders have struck a deal with Greece to negotiate a third bailout to save the near-bankrupt country’s economy after marathon all night talks in Brussels.

European Council President Donald Tusk this morning tweeted: ‘Euro summit has unanimously reached agreement. All ready to go for ESM programme for Greece with serious reforms and financial support.’

‘There are strict conditions to be met. Nevertheless, the decision gives Greece the chance to get back on track with the support of European partners. It also avoids the social, economic and political consequences that a negative outcome would have brought,’ he added.

It is these ‘strict conditions’ imposed by international lenders led by Germany could bring down Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ leftist government and cause an outcry in Greece.’

Read more: It’s a deal! EU leaders strike ‘unanimous agreement’ on Greek bailout following marathon all night talks after Athens government agrees to ‘serious reforms’ of its economy

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