LaRouche: Regime-Change Assault on Greece Will Backfire; It’s the Trans-Atlantic System that is Set To Explode

The Troika and allied European heads of state have all fallen in line behind a suicidal scheme to use the upcoming Sunday referendum in Greece to overthrow the Tsipras government. This is the significance of the across-the-board refusal to take up the Greek government’s letter to the Troika on Tuesday night, proposing a major debt write-down, and modified economic reforms, based on the weekend proposal by the European Union. Schaeuble, Merkel, Renzi, and Hollande all rejected the Greek proposal out of hand, and following a conference call among EMU finance ministers, it was formally announced that there would be no discussions with Greece prior to the Sunday referendum.  The financial media, led by the Financial Times, put out a string of fraudulent stories, all aimed against Greek Prime Minister Tsipras, including wild claims that Greek voters were turning against the government.  The kind of regime change that was most recently employed in Ukraine, featuring military-style black propaganda, is now being unleashed inside the EU against Greece.

Lyndon LaRouche commented on Wednesday that this swindle is going to backfire against the relevant parties leading this attack on Greece. 

“The relevant parties are setting themselves up…The euro was a swindle from the very beginning with the Maastricht Treaty.  It was a scheme by Mitterrand, Thatcher, and George H.W. Bush that was doomed from the outset, but was aimed against Germany, and against any prospect of a German-Russian economic partnership in the immediate post-Cold War period.”

LaRouche reiterated that the entire Greek so-called Troika debt is fraudulent.  Greece was raped and is now being pressured to pay off the rapists.  This cannot be tolerated, LaRouche declared.

Instead of bringing down the Tsipras government, these actions are more likely to trigger the collapse of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system, including the entire Wall Street bubble, now officially assessed at $26.5 trillion in bailout obligations alone.

The only real solution is for there to be an immediate international conference, modeled on the 1953 London Debt Conference, to wipe out the fraudulent Greek debt and all of the gambling debt built up in the London/Wall Street system.  In the United States, this means the immediate reinstatement of Glass- Steagall, just as it was originally enacted in June 1933.  The Glass-Steagall model must be immediately adopted in Europe and globally.

The biggest danger, LaRouche warned, is that the London/Wall Street forces, led by the British Monarchy, will react to the backfire of the Greek showdown by going for war—against Russia and perhaps against China.  The elements of just such a war provocation are all in place, with the NATO deployments right up against the Russian borders in the Baltic and Balkan regions. Russia’s official representative to NATO, Alexander Grushko, delivered a pointed warning in a teleconference with journalists in Brussels on Wednesday, in which he declared that NATO had launched a containment campaign against Russia, prior to the launching of the US-NATO regime change operation in Ukraine.  He cited plans to establish NATO forward command posts in the three Baltic states, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland, and warned that if NATO goes ahead with missile defense deployments following a P5+1 deal with Iran, it will be further evidence of the targeting of Russia.

The reality is that the entire trans-Atlantic system may not survive the week, as the result of the insane and desperate actions launched against Greece, and the imminent backfire.

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