LaRouche Welcomes Glass-Steagall Bill Now in Senate

Lyndon LaRouche took note of yesterday’s re-introduction of the “21st Century Glass-Steagall Act” in the Senate of the United States, and said that having Glass-Steagall on the agenda will produce an “igniting process” in the country, including panic on Wall Street, where we may soon see the pigs stampeding.

Only Glass-Steagall can prevent world war, LaRouche stated. It is the only sane solution. You have to bankrupt Wall Street and London, and Glass-Steagall is the only way to do that. Either we get Glass-Steagall now, or there is no answer to the international money system. Glass-Steagall is the only way to defend lives. It is the essential, unavoidable immediate issue.

LaRouche added that we need a Presidential system in the U.S. that functions, not just a President with a handful of advisers. The key is to assemble a team, under Glass-Steagall, that can take on the shattered conditions of life that have hit a majority of our citizens since the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Glass-Steagall is also the most efficient course to putting an end to the British Empire. The genocidal intent of that imperial system has been on full display in the Greek crisis, where their EU minions have continued acting as though the Greek referendum had never happened, and came back with guns blazing, demanding that Greece capitulate or it would be dismembered.

Meanwhile, political forces representing more than half of humanity began to gather in Ufa, Russia, for the BRICS and SCO summits, intent on moving forward with an exactly contrary policy to British genocide, that of win-win cooperation for global development and war prevention.

It is certainly not accidental that some in Russia chose this precise moment, of life-and-death battle between two opposing systems on this planet, to “play the LaRouche card,” widely disseminating both print and radio interviews with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

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