‘Last fight’? Ukraine nationalist leader calls on army and National Guard to stop obeying Kiev

‘The leader of the Ukrainian far-right group Right Sector has called on the National Guard, army and security forces to stop obeying Kiev’s orders amid the ongoing standoff between their armed nationalists and police in western Ukraine.

“Nobody can take away our right to a last fight,” Yarosh wrote on his Facebook page, calling the Ukrainian government “traitors.”

“Let’s stop betrayers who hold high offices and want to destabilize the situation in the enemy’s rear and …dismiss the volunteer movements,” he said, accusing the Ukrainian authorities of being “bandits” only interested in making money.

“While we are shedding our blood defending our Motherland, they [authorities]are making fortunes and doing everything they can so that the war will continue as long as possible.”’

Read more: ‘Last fight’? Ukraine nationalist leader calls on army and National Guard to stop obeying Kiev

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