Monsanto’s Looting of India’s Agriculture: Political Backing of GMO. Hypnotic Trance in Delhi

get-attachment (502)‘We are about to enter August. And that’s a special month in India. Each year, on the 15th, the country commemorates the anniversary of independence from Britain.

To mark the occasion, official public celebrations take place in Delhi with flag waving and fly-pasts, and the corporate media is awash with patriotic sentiments.

Behind the scenes, however, agriculture, the very heart and soul of the nation, will continue to be restructured for the benefit of foreign interests, raising the question:

just where does the notion independence sit with such a policy?’

Read more: Monsanto’s Looting of India’s Agriculture: Political Backing of GMO. Hypnotic Trance in Delhi



The post Monsanto’s Looting of India’s Agriculture: Political Backing of GMO. Hypnotic Trance in Delhi appeared first on David Icke.

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