More Signs of Possible Easing of US-Russian Tensions; Turkey Reverses Support for “Caliphate,” Starts Bombing ISIS Butchers; Saudis Accept Iran Nuclear Accord, Isolating Netanyahu; Ukraine Dodges Bankruptcy at Last Minute; Bernie Sanders and GOP Crazies Are Destroying FDR’s ExIm Bank; Congress Must Enact 1% Wall Street Sales Tax to Fund Highway Bill and Social Security Disability Pensions; Donald Trump the New Samson to Bring Down the Temple of GOP Philistines

With a Report from America’s Most Famous Political Prisoner Rev. Edward Pinkney Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. – World Crisis Radio July 25, 2015

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Bernie Sanders

Ted Cruz

Bernie Sanders is teaming up with reactionary Ted Cruz and other GOP reactionaries to destroy the US Export-Import Bank, a product […]

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