Next-generation Crowd Control: ‘Calmative Agents’ Will Put Entire Protests Under Sedation


‘A few years ago the U.S. Army tested a very different type of ordnance—a “non-lethal personal suppression projectile” called the XM1063—that rains a chemical agent over people in a 2 acre area. The agent can be a sedative drug, a malodorous substance, or even something that makes everyone slip and fall. This may be a benign thing for the Army, but in the hands of the police state it is a potent tool of repression.

The idea of using “calmative agents” for crowd control is undoubtedly attractive to authorities. As people become more informed and connected, they will take to the streets to challenge the corruption of the state. Naturally, the state will develop ways to disrupt this, and they’ll do it using your money.’

Read more: Next-generation Crowd Control: ‘Calmative Agents’ Will Put Entire Protests Under Sedation

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