Protesters clash with police as cancer patient is evicted from his home after eight-year battle with bank over mortgage payments


‘A cancer patient was dramatically evicted from his bungalow today after an eight-year legal battle over mortgage repayments.

It was despite hundreds of Tom Crawford’s supporters trying to stop bailiffs entering the 64-year-old’s home in Carlton, Nottinghamshire.

Three people were arrested as officers formed a ‘ring of steel’ around the property and tried to hold back 150 protesters who turned up. Police blocked off roads and put a cordon in place 650ft away from the property so bailiffs could repossess it without being obstructed.

But the crowd shouted at officers who held them back and trouble flared when protesters were wrestled to the ground and detained by police.’

Read more: Protesters clash with police as cancer patient is evicted from his home after eight-year battle with bank over mortgage payments

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