‘Right Sector on combat alert’: Ukraine Neo-Nazis refuse to lay down arms after shootout with police

‘Ukrainian Right Sector militants, blocked in on the outskirts of Mukachevo after deadly clashes with police, are refusing to lay down their arms without their leader’s orders. Civilians in the area have been evacuated, as negotiations so far have failed.

SWAT police and special units of the National Guard, as well as Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) agents have secured the area and blockaded members of Ukraine’s ultra-nationalist Right Sector group on the outskirts of Mukachevo, which lies a stone’s throw away from Hungarian and Slovakian border.

“To prevent possible bloodshed, the Security Service and Interior Ministry demand that the illegal armed group lays down [its]arms and surrenders,” the SBU said in a statement, adding that fighters refuse to surrender unless ordered directly by Right Sector (‘Pravy Sektor’) leader Dmitry Yarosh.’

Read more: ‘Right Sector on combat alert’: Ukraine Neo-Nazis refuse to lay down arms after shootout with police

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