Shemitah Charade: A New Corporatist Paradigm Launched in Greece?

How poetic was it that in the birthplace of democracy, democracy just died  in Greece.

Last week, the Greek people voted heavily against the EU’s proposal… and then this week Greek Parliament voted heavily in favor of it!

How’s that for democracy!  Those who adore democracy (we are not included in that group!) always say that it is the best system because it lets the majority of people get their way.  Opa, that’s not what happened!

In fact it rarely happens, anywhere.  Voters are just made to feel like they have some sort of say in government but most of the time the politicians just do whatever profits them and their friends.

Interestingly, however, there was not much in the way of violent protests in the streets of Greece for the past few weeks despite the tough conditions.  In fact, it was a huge party after the voters voted overwhelming not to accept the deal.  Then, today, the politicians accepted it and all of a sudden the state’s henchman were doing a fire dance.



But really the vote is a kind of charade. In fact, the last months have simply added to the charade of the Greek “rescue.” The idea is to make Greece submit to a kind of corporatocracy managed by Brussels’ technocrats at the behest of international banking. Democracy – no matter what you think of it – is being strangled in Greece.

We’ve stayed on top of this story because it’s even bigger than the media has reported. We think we see these ramifications clearly. In fact, we predicted that Europe’s bureaucracy would come up with last minute “heroics” – a deal of sorts – that would be held up by the media as a national salvation.

And this is exactly what happened. The new “austerity” package has now been approved by the Greek Parliament.

No surprise there. What is surprising, and ironic, about the deal is that Tsipras was elected on a specific platform to reject the kinds of demands that Brussels and Germany wanted to impose on Greece and its people.  Again, so much for democracy!

Former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis – asked to leave by Brussels because of his resistance to Brussels tough line (and Tsipras obliged by firing him) – has blasted the pact. And he’s not alone.

The International Monetary Fund, one of the interested negotiators, has also come out against the deal, saying it’s too tough and not rich enough to prevent Greece from lapsing back into the same kind of predicament.

The widely read BusinessInsider analyzed the deal as follows:

Greece will now be required to implement a series of reforms, target specific budget surpluses, and submit to oversight from its creditors.… The package Greek parliament approved on Wednesday night does not include debt relief, which the IMF’s report indicated will likely be needed in Greece, and was also the major sticking point between Greece and its creditors over the last 6 months of negotiations.

And so while Greece is far from out of the woods, a few things are likely to happen in the next few days and weeks. The European Central Bank is likely to either raise its emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) to Greece, or through other means provide Greece’s banking system with fresh liquidity … Greece will begin to work towards the 50 billion euro privatization that the draft agreement calls for.

People – primed by the media – still expect a solution. But perhaps, just perhaps, there is not supposed to BE a solution.

We’ve mentioned that too. Part of the idea is to generate a series of crises that inevitably gives Brussels more and more power. You can see that at work today. Always Brussels – the proximate cause of problems – is provided with more power to implement “solutions” that will inevitably fail.

Doesn’t matter of course. Only through failing can “order” be extracted from “chaos.”

Please bear in mind this entire crisis is artificial. It’s a stage play created in Brussels and acted out in various Eurozones. The narrative has been locked in by now: Rigid Germany is squashing Greece like a bug. Valiant but spendthrift Greeks are fighting back as best they can. Brussels in the middle is trying to salvage the “noble” EU concept.

But, there are far larger issues at work here. Gradually in the heart of republicanism and democracy, the ability to decide on one’s own destiny locally is being ripped away from the Greeks.


In its place a new kind of global paradigm is being developed. It is one that emphasizes the “technocracy” of an unelected ruling elite. This elite is empowered by corporate money and sustained by endless banking resources.

Greece is actually just a small part of the story. After nearly a decade, various trade pacts (TPP, etc.) are close to being finalized throughout the world that give corporations the ability to sue nation-states and to act as corporate “persons” pleading their cases to an entirely new overlay of international courts.

We’ve seen this before. Past information revolutions led to the establishment of what we today call “democracy” to take over from the failing political paradigm of kingship.

People had lost faith in kings just as today – thanks to the internet – they’ve lost faith in democracy and “representative government.”

A new paradigm is being prepared, a corporatist one leavened with technocracy. The power is moving ever farther away from local decision-making toward a global paradigm in which corporate “persons” will be empowered much as legislators were in times past.

These corporate persons will interact with technocrats at the level of nation states but individuals will have less and less power.

We can see this happening in Greece, as it already happened in Cyprus. As it will no doubt in Spain, Italy and other Southern European countries.

But ultimately no nation-state will be spared. This is the era of the Third Ruling Paradigm. In the modern era we have seen the rule of kings and then of democracy. Tomorrow, it is technocracy’s turn.

Cypress and now Greece are just the beginning. Real ruin must afflict nation-states around the worlds to usher in this new paradigm.

And when will this new ruin commence? I’d suggest we have probably found an end-date – or more likely a beginning date.

That date is the end of Shemitah, the last day in so many ways.


You can see the video we made about Shemitah and our call for a massive crisis to begin in September here:

Shemita Exposed

And let me suggest that people misunderstand the end-times that Shemitah is signaling. It is not perhaps a Providential end-time but a socio-political one.

The elites have seen clearly that the internet has first exposed and then destroyed the charade of democracy. A new ruling paradigm is being put into place.

This is the story of the 21st century and it is a monumental one. So few have noticed it because it is such a vast creature. Its mechanism almost indecipherable because it is so big.

And it seems to exist.

And in existing it threatens us.

Please watch our Shemitah video and then read the free White Paper that you can access after the video to better understand what probably lies ahead.


We live in a time of immense change and yet little of it is enunciated in any comprehensible way.

But that’s our job. It’s why you return here. And thanks for doing so.

I hope our Shemitah video explains some of what is about to occur. I hope our White Paper and our TDV newsletter (which you really need to subscribe to if you don’t) presents viable solutions to help protect you and your family.

And I hope this article – which we will elaborate on in the coming months – further explains the reasons BEHIND Shemitah.

Our controllers have decided to provide us with a new ruling structure. But it is not pro-offered out of kindness. Nor is it inevitable – at least not for YOU. You’re reading this, after all. Now take action.

Human action. Thank you.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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