The British Empire Is Crumbling, The Way Is Clear for a New Global Era

The British Empire system is continuing to collapse under the weight of the implosion of its financial system.  Now it is time to put together a new system that is free of deductive mathematics.

We have been living in a world of folly, of believing in the dollar, in monetary values, instead of the creative, productive values, Lyndon LaRouche told a gathering in Manhattan on Saturday.  LaRouche told the participants, the future of Mankind depends on rejecting these mathematical approaches and getting back to some principled standards which are human physical standards. Not mathematical standards, human standards.  The increase of the productive powers of labor as represented by the applications of physical principles of development, which can be applied by the practice of human beings.

To do this, the British monarchy and its stooge Obama must be swept away and a new presidency must be brought into existence that will collaborate with Russia, China, and the rest of the BRICS nations.  That process is continuing. As the Empire collapses, more countries and institutions are distancing themselves from the collapsing system.

Typical is the statement of the Governor of the Polish Central Bank, Marek Belka, saying Poland will not join the Euro, as reported in the London Daily Telegraph. Belka said, “You shouldn’t rush in when there is still smoke coming from a house that was burning.  It is simply not safe to do so.  As long as the eurozone has problems with some of its own members, don’t expect us to be enthusiastic about joining.”  Belka also said that the world was running out of ammunition to fight the next financial crisis.  In a discussion yesterday, LaRouche said that the Polish position is a factor of great significance.  The average Pole does not want to be part of a war between Germany and Russia. The would prefer to be a bridge, not a battlefield.

Closer to home, the United Kingdom is coming apart.  In the last week we saw the major British press disclose the home movie of Queen Elizabeth II learning the Nazi salute as a girl, and the Queen’s attack poodle, Tony Blair, geek out at the revolt within the Labour Party against the Queen’s Nazi austerity.  Yesterday, it was reported that the former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, says that a second referendum on Scottish independence is inevitable.  Earlier this week, Blair called the Scottish National Party a bunch of cavemen for declaring themselves the leading opposition to the government’s welfare cuts.

And in the U.S., the momentum is growing for Glass-Steagall, which has taken center stage in the Presidential campaign.  On Sunday, the U.S. press was filled with commentary about Hillary Clinton’s collapsing campaign due to the trust factor, and some are even pointing to the Obama White House as being behind the leaks of the potential investigation into Hillary’s emails.  But LaRouche emphasized that Glass-Steagall is the issue, and anything that doesn’t focus on that is not to be trusted.

The political means to sweep all this mess aside and bring in a new system based on the common interests of mankind is at hand.  It can only be done on a global basis, and that is what LaRouche is bringing into existence through his Manhattan project.  Forget trying to change the world from a local-yokel perspective.  That won’t work.  Only by elevating the moral qualities of humanity through science and art, as in the Manhattan sessions with LaRouche and the associated choral organization, can the means to actually defeat the British Empire be achieved.

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