The War on Extremism

hat tips: Nafeez Ahmed and Tony Gosling

On July 20, 2015, UK Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a major speech to justify ongoing wars on “extremism.” Supporting corporate media analyses are here, here, here, here; with some honesty from George Monbiot, with a 1-minute corporate media cry for more military armed attacks “on this evil”:

Cameron’s speech promotes the UK “Extremist Bill” that bans all media (such as you’re reading now), and sends police to close any organization dictated by government as “extremist” (honest analyses by Glenn Greenwald and via Washington’s Blog). UK Home Secretary Theresa May spins Orwellian for government dictatorial power to criminalize “extremism” in a 12-minute BBC interview.

Please notice this is clear advocacy of literal dictatorship for government dictating/saying what is and is not “extremism” and “promotes values”:

What corporate media won’t address are these Emperor’s New Clothes facts of the wars the UK, US, and Israel wage on “extremism” that absolutely prove Cameron, Obama, Bush, and other war-mongers are extreme War Criminals:

Governments have been vicious killers over the last 100 years, using Orwellian “self-defense” rhetoric to cover offensive and illegal Wars of Aggression. The US has started 201 foreign armed attacks since WW2, causing the world’s peoples to conclude in polling that the US is indeed #1 as the most threatening nation to world peace. The US-started armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and working civilian women and men. US armed attacks have war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis, and continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression. Indeed, this history of lie-began wars of empire by the .01% class are powerfully documented from Roman historians.

The most decorated US Marine general in his day warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars, and W. Bush’s Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, chided Pulitzer-winning journalist, Ron Suskind, that government will continue with such actions to “create our own reality” no matter what anyone else might say.

Cameron and other former imperialist colonial nations support a .01% extremist doctrine that includes more criminal policies:

I could go on to literally ~100 areas of crucial concern.

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