Tony Blair Signals British Monarchy Breakdown Crisis

The discredited Tony Blair’s sudden re-emergence today in a bitter televised attack on the potential next leader of Britain’s Labour Party, may be the next shoe falling in a British Monarchy breakup crisis, after furor arising from exposure of film of the British royals giving Nazi salutes in the 1930s. 

The potential Labour leader is veteran MP Jeremy Corbyn, among other things a supporter of Glass-Steagall legislation and organizer for a debt writedown for Greece. His “shocking” and wide lead in a national poll of Labour Party members showed the drastic split, amidst a Europe-wide financial and economic crisis, between the British population and the British royals. It was, after all, the Queen personally, along with Prime Minister Cameron, who went to Germany at the height of the “negotiations” with Greece, and shifted the German position to an ultra-hard line, of the effective murder of Greece by unpayable debt.

Thus the sudden and furious mobilization of Blair and his former top aides to attack the Labour base publicly as “morons” and try to destroy Corbyn’s candidacy.

Blair has been the British Empire’s conveyor of policy orders to both U.S. Presidents “W” Bush and Obama — especially regarding the policy of regime changes, wars, and war provocations against Russia and China. Now he is desperate to defend the British financial empire’s debt slavery and depopulation policies, against, particularly, the threat of a “global Glass-Steagall policy.”

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche, driving that global Glass-Steagall mobilization, said today the British Monarchy appears to be in a probable breakdown crisis. “We’re trying to estimate how close the collapse of that British system is,” LaRouche told a national policy discussion. “It might break down in a matter of weeks. But if it isn’t brought down, the human race might disappear” through population reduction and war policies which radiate from the British Royal Family. “The genocide policy of the British monarchy, to reduce the world population, as they’ve publicly stated, from 7 billion to 1 billion. That’s what’s at stake!” LaRouche said.

“Our best option is for the monarchy to be thrown out by the British themselves.” 

The Glass-Steagall policy has suddenly re-emerged in the United States Congress and the Presidential race because of the potential Wall Street crash. “Hillary’s Glass-Steagall Mistake,” as her husband’s Labor Secretary Robert Reich called her silent opposition to Glass-Steagall, has now seen her drop behind potential Republican candidates in swing-state polls. Other Democratic candidates are publicly demanding Glass-Steagall restoration. 

It’s the way not to wait for the British imperial system’s collapse, but to crush it.

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