USA: A Haven for Some

Food for thought:

  • For the second time, a Sinaloan drug lord has escaped from a maximum security Mexican prison. Chicago is a sanctuary city. He calls Chicago his “home port.”
  • For some, the entire USA is a sanctuary. Jon Corzine and ex-MF Global officers settled their lawsuit for $64.5 million, which is to say insurance probably picked up most of the tab. At issue was $1.2 billion of customer money used to cover margin calls for Corzine’s trades; it took years to recover the money during which time individuals and businesses suffered. There was also the matter of trying to sell MF Global to Interactive Brokers just before the discovery of missing money. Interactive Brokers walked away from the deal table as soon as it learned customer money was missing. Corzine will not face a criminal indictment, and even before he testified to Congress, one Democrat, a Member of the House of Representatives, was told by the Democratic House delegation from New Jersey that “no criminality pertained to Corzine.” The Member of the House of Representatives who wanted justice was told that wasn’t being “a good Democrat.” Corzine was a top campaign bundler for President Obama. But both parties are to blame; this is simply an example where Democrats were intimately involved.
  • Decisions: Life and Death on Wall Street is a tale of how nothing in the financial system has been fixed, why this bi-partisan betrayal happened, and what is likely to happen next. It is 66% off today at Amazon for Max Keiser’s friends in India and Canada.


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