Vaccine-pushing clinic injects five children with the wrong vaccines, possibly causing permanent damage

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‘A Salem County, New Jersey health clinic for the uninsured has been shut down after the discovery that children were given the wrong vaccines from the time period of October 2014 through June 2015. The problems, which were discovered during an annual state review audit, are currently believed to affect approximately five children including a two-year-old boy who received an “excessive dose” of cervical vaccine, Gardasil, as well a child who received a flu mist despite being too young. Also, two children were given expired vaccines. Experts are still determining what vaccine the fifth child was exposed to.

Additionally, it was found that Shots for Tots, the clinic under investigation in this case, was improperly storing about $20,000 worth of vaccines after a refrigerator broke, rendering it useless.’

Read more: Vaccine-pushing clinic injects five children with the wrong vaccines, possibly causing permanent damage

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