Why the UK is No Longer Shocked at Establishment Sex Abuse Cover Ups

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‘Mention the three P’s in the U.K.—pedophiles, politicians, and Parliament, and you are likely to face a range of reactions. Despite reports in parts of the mainstream press, there are those whose eyes widen while dismissing you as an anti-establishment conspiracy theorist who takes things too far. Then there are the whistleblowers, survivors, lawyers, and politicians demanding investigations whilst working tirelessly to peel the paint from under the whitewashing.

The saddest reaction of all is from those who are not shocked. With child abuse scandals involving the U.K.’s most powerful coming to light almost as regularly as the changing of the guard, many of us are becoming desensitized to things that make others’ stomachs churn.’

Read more: Why the UK is No Longer Shocked at Establishment Sex Abuse Cover Ups

The post Why the UK is No Longer Shocked at Establishment Sex Abuse Cover Ups appeared first on David Icke.

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