Will War Threat Bring Down Royals and Their Agents like Obama?

The threat of a thermonuclear war of extinction, provoked by the British Royals via their agents, including U.S. President Barack Obama, has reached a critical mass.  The Obama Administration is rushing ahead with the development of a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons, to be stationed throughout Europe, targeted on Russia.  The B61-12 is, in reality, an intermediate range missile, with greatly improved accuracy, permitting the use of much smaller scale nuclear warheads, thus lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear arms in combat.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is well aware of this accelerating drive towards war.  On Saturday, he issued a presidential order, establishing a new reserve military force, to address some of the threats coming from NATO and the United States, particularly centered in Ukraine.  While Putin has put pressure on the Russian minorities in eastern Ukraine to fully comply with the Minsk II accords and more, the government in Kiev remains in the grip of the outright Banderist neo-Nazis.

As Lyndon LaRouche warned in a pointed statement last week, the British are using the neo-Nazi networks in Ukraine to stage the kind of provocation that can trigger a general war between the United States and Russia, a war that will be started by the American side under British asset Obama.

In discussions with colleagues on Sunday, LaRouche noted that the provocations around the deployments of the B61-12 will not in the least diminish Russia’s ability to launch a devastating second strike retaliation, and only heightens the danger of imminent war.  With the neo-Nazi Right Sector networks on a rampage in Ukraine, LaRouche observed, Germany and other European countries are going to be terrified by the growing war danger. They will be impelled to act to shut down the neo-Nazi operations in Ukraine now for their own survival.

If Putin makes clear public statements about the neo-Nazi character of the Ukraine regime, this will add to the pressure on Germany.  This miscalculation by the British can lead to the urgently needed strategic shift.  Germany cannot be associated with the likes of the Ukrainian Right Sector, who are outright Nazis.  A Nazi organization is running Ukraine, and that apparatus is being backed by the U.S. President and the British Royals.

If there were ever a moment to bring down the House of Windsor and its entire apparatus, that time is now.

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