Zepp-LaRouche Interviewed on Russian Radio: Reject Geopolitics and Cooperate with BRICS

On Monday, July 6, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave a 20-minute interview with Radio Sputnik, hosted by Estelle Winters, on the Schiller Institute’s petition on cooperation with BRICS nations. The interview was aired live, July 6, on Radio Sputnik. Sputnik News also ran an article titled, “U.S. Petition on BRICS Warns Against NATO Confrontation With Russia, China.” Pravda.ru and RT also this week highlighted the Schiller Institute’s petition calling on the U.S. and European Union to join with the BRICS countries in abandoning geopolitics and joining in the new paradigm of “win-win” economic development.

The following is a transcript of the 2 minute-11 second opening excerpt circulated by Radio Sputnik from that interview.

“Geopolitics was the reason for two world wars in the 20th century. Right now, if it would come to a third world war with thermonuclear weapons, it would lead to the extinction of mankind. So therefore, the key question is how can we overcome the thinking of geopolitics by establishing a new paradigm a new paradigm which starts with the common aims of mankind. The way to look at it is, not from the standpoint of present interests of one country or a group of countries, but how can we define the future of humanity, and that is really the idea, that we have to move to a completely different kind of thinking about the one humanity and from that standpoint try to solve all the conflicts in the here and now.

“The reality is that since the Fortaleza summit last year in Brazil, the BRICS countries have started to build a completely new system of economics which deliberately said, No, to the casino economy of the Trans-Atlantic system, given the fact that the Trans-Atlantic financial system is completely bankrupt and that will show in the aftermath of the courageous Greek vote in the referendum, –that the Trans-Atlantic system is bankrupt and could explode any moment.

“Then, there would be a platform for the United States and the European nations to cooperate with the BRICS countries in building the New Silk Road, building the cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and the New Silk Road, and that could be the kernel of the New World Economic Order which would be in the benefit of all participating nations as the Chinese President Xi Jinping has always emphasized, that we have to go to a Win-Win cooperation. And this idea of a Win-Win cooperation is the way to overcome geopolitics.”

Click here to listen to the Radio Sputnik interview.

Click here to read the Sputnik news article.

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