5 Truths Covered Up

The Black Lives Matter movement, which is painfully impotent before Black America, has led a year of national acrimony over the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Grey. The opportunity for blacks to be brutally honest with ourselves about the corrosive culture of crime and death in our own communities has been hijacked by a horde of sniveling, self-absorbed egotists.

Here are five truths being covered up or flat-out ignored by #BlackLivesMatter.

Truth 1. Planned Parenthood is profiting from the genocide of black babies. 

One would think that the exposure of a taxpayer-funded black genocide would have been the focus of furor from Black America’s new civil rights reformers.

Yet, while Cornell West and his Black Lives Matter disciples were busy getting themselves arrested for “justice,” a thousand black babies were being aborted with the help of America’s foremost provider, Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood officials were caught—several times—on camera revealing how easy it is to abort babies—many of them black—allegedly chopping up their organs and selling their body parts to the highest bidder. And yet, there were no national marches from Black Lives Matter.

At least 79% of Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills are within walking distance of black or Hispanic neighborhoods.

In New York City in 2009, 47%, or 40,798, of the city’s 87,273 abortions, were performed on black women.

Nearly half of the black pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion in 2009 and, yet, Times Square was not filled with Black Lives Matter protesters demanding the shuttering of Planned Parenthood’s doors.

Do those black lives not matter?

Truth 2. There exists a lopsided self-inflicted violence in Black America, and #BlackLivesMatter doesn’t address it.

Where was this embarrassing bunch of celebrity protesters in 2011 when we learned that black males 15-34 were 10 times more likely to die of murder than their white counterparts?

According to FBI data, 4,906 black people killed other blacks in 2010 and 2011. That is more than the total number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq over the last decade. More black Americans killed other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968, according to the Tuskegee Institute.

It seems that some black lives don’t matter. And it’s our own fault.

Of course black people are not unique to intra-racial murder. But a subculture of wanton disregard for human life has consigned so many black neighborhoods to a sort of ceaseless state of despair.

“You’re blaming the victims, Jerome,” some say.

The problem with that opinion is that it’s a copout. Black people, from the pulpit to the Historic Publications, often avoid turning the spotlight on ourselves. Meanwhile, caskets are filled with the bodies of America’s future. The culture of death thrives in inner cities; millions remain mired in misery.

Where there are instances—and there are many—of undeniably bad judgment on the part of police that result in death, we should pursue the facts and punish the guilty.

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