A Simple and Inexpensive Everyday Tonic

Lemons have always been cherished for their significant medicinal qualities. The ancient people of India, China, and Mesopotamia regularly used lemons to treat a wide variety of medical conditions, while the ancient Egyptians took advantage of the fruit’s antiseptic qualities and embalmed their mummies in its juices. Later, in 15th century Europe, lemons were recognized as the perfect cure for scurvy.

Despite their healthfulness, however, most people today have no desire to eat whole lemons due to their extreme sourness. Thankfully, there are numerous ways to incorporate lemons into our diet without having to tolerate the entire fruit’s overbearing taste. One of the easiest and most popular ways to do this is to drink a glass of warm, purified water containing a few teaspoons of lemon juice, ideally first water is a fantastic way to decrease our susceptibility to illness.

Clears Skin

The vitamin C in lemon water also plays an important role in the production of collagen, the main structural protein of our connective tissues. This fact makes lemon water an excellent natural tonic for our skin. It can help improve skin tightness and decrease wrinkles, clear skin blemishes from the inside out and, due to its alkaline nature (after it enters our body), also helps kill some of the bacteria responsible for acne.

Other benefits attributed to the long-term consumption of lemon water include improved mood and energy levels, fresher breath, balanced pH levels, and superior hydration. Lemon water is also high in a soluble dietary fiber called pectin, which can help tackle hunger cravings and contribute to weight loss.

Reprinted from Spiritfoods.

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