Additional Details Emerge on How U.S. Government Policy Created, Armed, Supported and Funded ISIS

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Dr. Nafeez Ahmed has been leading the way in documenting how declassified documents from the Pentagon prove that U.S. intelligence officials warned the White House that supporting al-Qaeda just to depose of Syria’s Bashir al-Assad would have serious blowback and end up funding and empowering radical Islamic extremists. The White House ignored this advice.

Two years later ISIS exploded onto the scene, and the American public was once again relentlessly fear-mongered into turning its sole, determined focus toward fighting this barbaric external enemy birthed by U.S. government policy. Civil liberties and treasure must once again be bequeathed to the military-intelligence-industrial complex to combat an enemy it funded and armed in the first place. The cruel joke; however, is that just like al-Qaeda before it, ISIS was a direct creation of intentional U.S. foreign policy.

The entire charade is frighteningly similar to giving the Federal Reserve more power to “save” an economy it destroyed in the first place. Am I the only one seeing a pattern here?

Read the rest here.

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