Asylum Seekers and Migrants to the EU are the Victims of US-NATO-EU Wars

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‘Ifeoluwa Kolade, a researcher at Geneva International Centre for Justice, and the main author of the report, said that ‘Swimming Against the Tides’ examines the false perception across much of Europe that most arrivals are economic migrants is a key part of the problem. In their view, economic migrants should not be given leeway, because there no danger of violations of their human rights. However, looking at the country of origin of migrants crossing the Mediterranean, the myth of the economic migrant is discredited, Ms. Kolade added.

The report shows that main countries of origin are Syria, Eritrea, Somali and Afghanistan. Each of these countries has faced and continues to face war, internal conflict or a brutal dictator. Those who are fleeing are doing so as asylum seekers, because they persecution and other human rights abuses in their country. The term “economic migrant” is simply being used to mask the responsibility Europe has to provide asylum.’

Read more: Asylum Seekers and Migrants to the EU are the Victims of US-NATO-EU Wars

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