Bolivarianism Likely to Triumph in Venezuelan December Parliamentary Elections

Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela

‘It’s hard imagining Venezuelans rejecting Bolivarian governance under Chavez and now Maduro – responsible for vital social benefits most Americans can’t imagine, including free education to the highest levels and universal healthcare.

Despite economic hard times because of destabilizing US policies and low oil prices, Venezuelans reject returning to the ugly pre-Chavez past.

The support Maduro’s PSUV-led (United Socialist Party of Venezuela) 12-party GPP (Great Patriotic Pole) coalition first established by Chavez in 1998.

Maduro said “(w)e have achieved a perfect and expanded alliance.” For the first time in Bolivarianism’s history, all coalition candidates are on the same electoral list.’

Read more: Bolivarianism Likely to Triumph in Venezuelan December Parliamentary Elections

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