Burundi tortured protesters with acid, iron bars: Amnesty


‘Burundi security forces used acid and iron bars to extract confessions from the opponents of President Pierre Nkurunziza during his controversial bid for a third term in office, Amnesty International says.

The UK-based rights group said in a report released in the Kenyan capital Nairobi on Monday that both the Burundian police and National Intelligence Service (SNR) had carried out “torture and other ill-treatment” since April 2015 against people suspected of participating in protests against Nkurunziza’s re-election bid.

The report titled “Just tell me what to confess to” also noted that the Burundian security forces used electric cable, batons, iron bars and acid to force confessions from opposition supporters during their imprisonment.’

Read more: Burundi tortured protesters with acid, iron bars: Amnesty

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