California governor says people who don’t buy into climate change agenda are genetically inferior ‘troglodytes’

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‘The debate over global warming and climate change got uglier recently after California Gov. Jerry Brown of “no vaccine choice” fame insulted the intelligence – and genetic makeup – of everyone who disagrees with his premise that these phenomena are real.

Like all global warming alarmists, Brown – who was attending a “climate change summit” in Canada – made the same old tired, dire predictions of doom and gloom if the world continues to burn fossil fuels. But he also had a special descriptor for those who dare to call a hoax a hoax.

“We have to redesign our cities, our homes, our cars, our electrical generation, our grids — all those things,” Brown said, insisting that all aspects of modern life had to be scrutinized anew. “And it can be done with intelligence. We can get more value from less material.”‘

Read more: California governor says people who don’t buy into climate change agenda are genetically inferior ‘troglodytes’

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