Cameron Ennobles Director of British Israel Lobby, 100,000 British Citizens Demand Netanyahu’s Arrest for War Crimes

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‘The killings of over 2000 unarmed civilians in 2014 by Israeli forces in Gaza under the control of Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, are alleged to have been deliberate policy by a government intent on the illegal settlement of a half a million Israelis on occupied Palestinian land in an effort to abort the establishment of an independent state, in direct opposition to the will of the UN and the EU.

This is a policy apparently condoned by the Conservative Friends of Israel lobby of which David Cameron is a member, as are the majority of his cabinet, notwithstanding the official British government stance that supports a two state solution.

There is currently a petition on the House of Commons website that demands the arrest of Netanyahu should he try to visit the UK in September. This petition is now expected to reach 100,000 signatures within the next few days.’

Read more: Cameron Ennobles Director of British Israel Lobby, 100,000 British Citizens Demand Netanyahu’s Arrest for War Crimes

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