Chronically Ill Six-Year-Old Walks For First Time After Medical Cannabis Treatment


‘The medicinal benefits of cannabis used to inspire heated debate—used to. With ongoing discoveries and successful treatments, denying the efficacy of cannabis treatment is no longer a matter of opinion but, rather, a complete fallacy. Around 100 years of propaganda, fear-mongering, and criminalization has attempted to not only discredit the plant’s medicinal value, but to portray the virtually harmless flower as dangerous, as well.

Thankfully, those days of irrational fear and denial are slowly coming to an end. In fact, the steady shift in the general public’s perspective on cannabis has been significant enough for a growing number of parents to consider cannabis oil as a viable option to treat their sick children. Such is the case with Bella Chinonis.’

Read more: Chronically Ill Six-Year-Old Walks For First Time After Medical Cannabis Treatment

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