Cop ‘Violated No Policies’ After Being Caught on Video Punching 9-Months Pregnant Woman in Belly


‘In yet another case of police investigating themselves only to determine that they did nothing wrong, a Hunt County Sheriff’s deputy was no-billed after being captured on video punching a pregnant woman numerous times and pushing her stomach first into a kitchen counter, leaving bruises.

During the execution of a child custody warrant, a 38-week pregnant woman, Deanna Robinson, was arrested. Hunt County Sheriff’s Department went to Robinson’s residence to assist CPS in taking custody of a child after a familial dispute.

Deputies claim that they presented a warrant immediately upon their arrival and allowed her to read it, at which point Robinson began to yell that they weren’t taking her child and attempted to close the door.’

Read more: Cop ‘Violated No Policies’ After Being Caught on Video Punching 9-Months Pregnant Woman in Belly

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