Could You Pass the New Math Test for British 16-Year-Olds?

Maths education has been a hot topic of conversation recently, with the planned introduction of the English Baccalaureate and Shanghai maths teaching model among the elements creating discussion.

Steve Munby, the head of the CfBT Education Trust, wrote today that a “revolution” is required in UK maths education.

He said: The UK has a major problem with young people and maths. In this country, unlike almost every other industrialised society, the study of some form of mathematics is not compulsory for students aged 16-18.”

He added: “In England, most young people can opt out of maths after GCSE, and that is exactly what hundreds of thousands of them do, including many of our most talented students.”

At the end of June, a new survey of firms conducted by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) found that UK school leavers are the worst in Europe for essential skills.

With this in mind, the question is whether or not you think your practical maths skills are up to the test?

In September, the Department for Education will launch a new qualification that’s intended to make mathematics more meaningful for 16-18 year olds. It’s aimed at those who want to continue to study the subject post-GCSE level but who do not want to take a full A-level.

Take the Test

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