Dead doctors, dead patients and corporate bullying: How FDA is the new Murder Inc


‘When the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raided Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet’s offices this year, they were determined to put an end to his research and use of Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) because this research was essentially making vaccines look like violent, mad science. (View the search warrant here)

Globulin component, a protein naturally made by the body, normally binds with vitamin D to activate the acceleration of macrophages to destroy infection in the body. Dr. Bradstreet was finding out that when a person is injected with vaccine viruses, this natural binding process between globulin component and vitamin D is blocked by an enzyme called nagalase. Nagalase can be intentionally injected to wipe out the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of one’s T and B lymphocytes, leaving the person with a compromised immune system. Did the FDA want to suppress this information?’

Read more: Dead doctors, dead patients and corporate bullying: How FDA is the new Murder Inc

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