Dogs treated better than Palestinian Bedouins in Israel

‘In the Naqab (Negev), dogs can check into a very fancy animal hotel while in the nearby Arab Bedouin village of Atir Umm al-Hiran, people are not so privileged.”

This animation contrasts the luxury dogs can enjoy at the Goldog pet hotel with the deprivation in the adjacent Bedouin village that is slated for demolition by Israeli authorities.

At the hotel, dogs get 12 square meters (130 square feet) of space each and custom meals. There is also a pet cemetery where animals are given individual grave sites and memorials.

The video was produced by 7amleh (pronounced “hamleh” – Arabic for “campaign”) as part the ongoing #‎Save_UmAlHiran campaign by Palestinian civil society groups to halt the destruction of the village.’

Read more: Dogs treated better than Palestinian Bedouins in Israel

The post Dogs treated better than Palestinian Bedouins in Israel appeared first on David Icke.

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