EU Commission Says None Of Your Business On Glyphosate Risk Assessment


‘The EU Commission is refusing to let independent researchers anywhere near a recent glyphosate risk assessment. Of course, it makes people wonder all the more when the Commission says there should be no overriding “public interest” and acts as though revealing the results were a matter of national security.

Unlike propagandists acting as scientism skeptics, who pretend it’s safe to drink glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide) – many other studies and observations prove that human exposure is hazardous. Sometimes it’s finding out that glyphosate can lead to breast cancer in parts per trillion, that it hijacks hormones and is found in breast milk and in rain samples. Sometimes it’s a farmer waking up to discover that his piglets are deformed and dying – so he sends them off to a lab. Sometimes you find out that the so-called experts who tell us to “trust science” as they pretend to drink glyphosate are actually getting funds from Monsanto.’

Read more: EU Commission Says None Of Your Business On Glyphosate Risk Assessment

The post EU Commission Says None Of Your Business On Glyphosate Risk Assessment appeared first on David Icke.

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