Falling Asleep on the Plane

Falling asleep on a plane can be one of the most challenging experiences for some travellers.

Throw in a crying child or a seatmate who can’t sit still and catching some shuteye in a cramped economy cabin can be next to impossible.

But there are things holidaymakers can do to ease themselves into a sleepy state before they arrive at their destination – from reading a book or listening to calming music to avoiding the snack trolley or using a pillow.

An infographic created by Work the World suggests travellers should get a little less sleep the night before the flight to tire themselves out, and stretch or try yoga before setting foot on the plane.

They should also bring a range of helpful items onto the plane, including ear plugs, noise cancelling headphones and a music player, a water bottle and sleeping mask.

Ideally, holidaymakers should try to book a flight schedule that matches their natural sleeping patterns. If not, they should stick to their usual bedtime routine before the flight.

As for clothing, a fashionable outfit is out the window, with the infographic recommending comfortable sweatpants or sportswear, along with thick socks.

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