Former NATO Chief of Staff Warns against Danger of Nuclear War

Lt. Gen. Fabio Mini, former chief of Staff of the NATO Southern Command and former commander of KFOR in Kosovo, has warned of an escalation of the current ongoing “world war” into a nuclear confrontation, and has connected this dynamic to the power of financial markets over nation-states.

In an interview with Enzo Pennetta on his website “Critica Scientifica”, Mini says that “starting with the cold war launched by the Baltic countries against Russia, from the American ‘covert’ war against Russia itself, from the Russian pretexts against Ukraine to Syria, to Yemen and all other so-called minor or ‘low-intensity’ conflicts, everything indicates that we don’t have to wait for another total conflict: We are already up to our neck in it.

“What is occurring in Asia with the Pacific strategic pivot is perhaps the most evident sign that the perspective of a World War II-like explosion is more probable in that theater. Not so much because aircraft carriers and missiles are being moved there (which is indeed taking place), but because the preparation for a world war of that kind, including the inevitable nuclear confrontation, is what is being prepared. That is not to say that it will happen immediately, but the longer the preparation goes on, the more resources will go into weapons and the more Asian and Western minds will orient to that direction.”

General Mini indicates the cause of war in the “strong resistance to change in a multipolar sense,” which is another way of pointing to the geopolitical opposition to the new BRICS paradigm. Some rich as well as some poor countries are pushing for a “new order” which is nothing but “the old order of the colonial model.” Armed forces “are more and more orienting towards the system of ‘police armies’ (constabulary forces). In many African countries there is nostalgia for the colonial period, or colonial countries are accused of abandoning them. Power and slavery are complementary. A Chinese philosopher said about his people: ‘There have been centuries when the desire to be a slave has been satisfied, and others when it was not.'”

Mini refers to the financial warfare against Greece as gang warfare. We are witnessing a new type of war today, the “gang war,” Mini says. An American colonel was asked in 2004 what war he was fighting in Iraq, and he replied, “This is a gang war, and we are the biggest gang.” States have lost their function and wars are conducted by gangs of mercenaries. “Finance is the only really global and instantaneous system and uses both legal and illegal means: exactly like any modern gang of criminals….

“The financial war against Greece is almost a perfect gang war. Only some fool could really think that Greece doctored its figures without the knowledge of the EU, the ECB, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, or the prosperous and omniscient rating agencies. It is much more realistic to think that at the moment of the changeover to the euro, political interests in Europe prevailed over the financial, and that it was the financial interests that loaded the most fragile members with the maximum possible debt. We have a short memory, but well before 2001, the debate on the euro assumed that many countries on the European periphery and next in line to become members (northern and eastern Europe) could not possibly comply with the parameters imposed. It is no accident that only the countries on the periphery were the first induced to go into debt and then into default, or to be ‘saved’ from the frying pan by going into the fire. Ireland, Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece have been the most evident examples of a maneuver which was neither carried out nor favored by nations, but run by institutions which call themselves supranational, and are in any case modeled on the private interests of the so-called ‘market’ system.”

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