Galloni: The Financial Crisis Increases the Danger of Nuclear War

In an article in the publication Il Domani d’Italia, economist Nino Galloni warns that if there is no reorganization of the system, the current financial crisis can lead to thermonuclear war.

“The financial crisis makes the conflict among superpowers more likely,” Galloni writes. “China, Russia and India want to avoid it, whereas American, British and transnational lobbies (weapons, parallel intelligence agencies, pro-Israeli, etc.) consider that to be the only option at one point. Thus, it will be fundamental whether the U.S.A. will regain control of policy, marginalizing the neo-cons who are connected to those lobbies.”

“We need international agreements,” Galloni writes, mentioning that even Henry Kissinger in his latest book attacks the neo-cons and calls for regional balance areas.

“Now, the problem is liquidity: If central banks stop flooding us with money that we cannot use, the entire system goes (theoretically it would be the end and a new beginning; practically, we risk a thermonuclear conflict); the planet’s financial means are 54 times the world GDP. We need a new Bretton Woods (or something similar): the BRICS, the U.S.A., the other `powers’ must sterilize all toxic assets and issue credit for real development; but this time, Bretton Woods must be convoked before and not after the war. Otherwise, we will have a new Bretton Woods but, I fear, from the caves.”

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