Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding

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‘A July 30 letter to the editor of a local newspaper from a retired geologist appears to have predicted the Environmental Protection Agency’s disastrous chemical spill into a major Colorado River tributary that happened just days later.

As noted in earlier reports, tons of toxic water tainted with lead, arsenic and heavy metals poured into the Animas River when a contractor working for the EPA inadvertently breached a dam at the Gold King Mine.

Following the breach, the contaminated water spread downstream into New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, and is approaching Southern California. Initially, the EPA said only about 1 million gallons of contaminated water – which turned the river yellow-orange – flowed into the river, but later the agency was forced to admit that the amount was closer to 3 million gallons.’

Read more: Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding

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