GSK bills UK government $92 million to compensate victims who were brain-damaged by its own vaccine for swine flu

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‘It looks like there’s more trouble in Vaccineland, as UK-based jab giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been exposed for peddling a swine flu vaccine that caused brain damage in potentially thousands of children. But rather than be held responsible, GSK is actually billing the UK government the equivalent of about $92 million to pay for damages, which means taxpayers are footing the bill.

Reports indicate that dozens of Pandemrix victims from the UK will be awarded about $1.5 million each in British pounds for permanent health damage caused by GSK’s Pandemrix vaccine. One in 16,000 people who took the vaccine, it turns out, are said to have developed narcolepsy and/or cataplexy, two neurological diseases that disrupt normal sleep patterns and muscle function.’

Read more: GSK bills UK government $92 million to compensate victims who were brain-damaged by its own vaccine for swine flu

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