Have You Discovered Flax Seeds?

For over 6,000 years humans have been consuming flax seeds. Deemed a superfood, flax seeds grow from a plant which produces a beautiful blue flower. This plant can grow in both tropical and subtropical climates.

The fruit pod which is grown contains either golden-yellow seeds or brown seeds. Regardless of their color, flax seeds aren’t called superfoods for just any reason – they pack a nutritional punch to boost health.

Flax seed nutrition

Let’s examine one ounce (three tablespoons) of flax seeds for its nutritional contents.

Omega-3 (ALA) 6,338mg

Fiber 8g

Protein 6gJust add a sprinkle, a teaspoon or even a few tablespoons for added sweetness and health benefits to any meal.

Side effects and caution of flax seeds

Generally speaking, flax seeds are safe for anyone to consume. It is important to note that flax seed fiber content may increase trips to the bathroom. Fiber can also lead to bloating, gas, and abdominal pain; to combat this ensure you are drinking plenty of water.

Concerns arise in those who take medication to lower blood sugar or blood pressure. Because flax seeds have the ability to lower these numbers further, people in this category should not over consume flax seeds or speak with their doctor first.

Flax seeds are enjoyable and can add many benefits to your health. If you haven’t tried them yet, start incorporating them slowly into your diet to begin feeling better.



19 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Flax Seeds



Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

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