How the Boycott Israel Movement Draws Major Inspiration from the Success with Apartheid South Africa


‘Over the summer, we learned that foreign direct investment in Israel had dropped by 50 percent since the 2014 summer war in Gaza. The drop could be the result of numerous things, including reduced investor confidence due to the conflict, but experts said the driving factor is intentional boycotts o​f Israel over its treatment of the Palestinians.

In both the Europe and the United States, the boycott movement has ignited a furious debate about the efficacy and morality of boycotting, divesting, and sanctioning Israel – the three tactics that make up the Palestinian-led BDS movement.

The movement is patterned on a similar economic pressure campaign that was waged against South Africa, culminating in the fall of the apartheid system. Prominent South Africans such as the Bishop Desmond Tutu have joined the BDS movement, arguing that it is a necessary step to getting Israel to respect Palestinian rights.’

Read more: How the Boycott Israel Movement Draws Major Inspiration from the Success with Apartheid South Africa

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