Hundreds of Egyptians hold anti-regime protests across country


‘Hundreds of supporters of former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi have taken to the streets across the country as the second anniversary of the mass killing of anti-regime protesters by security forces approaches.

Pro-Morsi demonstrators held the rallies in the capital Cairo as well as Alexandria and Giza on Friday to condemn the 2013 massacre. Similar protests were also reported to be held in other major cities across the country.

On August 14, 2013, Egyptian security forces raided two protest camps in Cairo, one at al-Nahda Square and a larger one at Rabaa al-Adwiya Square. Protesters had been holding a weeks-long sit-in at the campsites in protest against the coup that toppled Morsi in July of the same year.’

Read more: Hundreds of Egyptians hold anti-regime protests across country

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