If You Are Serious About Stopping Thermonuclear War, There Is a High Premium on Thinking

Simple categorical descriptions or admonitions about the rapidly escalating danger of thermonuclear World War III, don’t mean much at this point, Lyndon LaRouche stated today. We need to develop concrete, specific handles to address the situation. We are dealing with a complex problem that cannot be handled with any linear approach. There is nothing simple or predictable in the current strategic process, and there is no model that can be set forth which is reliable. Any number of flashpoints could set off a global conflagration, and sometimes things happen even by oversight.

So if you are serious about stopping global thermonuclear war, LaRouche said, there is a high premium on thinking.

One important element is to keep key U.S. Congressional elements active, especially during the dangerous recess period of August, to provide a check and balance on President Obama’s insane war drive. One example—but only one—of Obama’s lunacy is the last week’s escalation by the administration into direct U.S. military involvement—unconstitutionally, with no prior authorization by Congress—in yet another war in the Middle East, this time in Syria. The witches’ brew created among Turkey, Syria, the United States, and other forces acting in the region is so explosive, it could only have been concocted in the kitchens of the British Arab Bureau, to manipulate everyone involved into spreading chaos and warfare.

Another example of Obama’s impeachable insanity is his announcement on Aug. 3 of his ultra-green climate change plan, which strictly follows the script handed to him by the British Empire’s genocidalists, grouped around that lifelong Nazi, Prince Philip. “Obama is acting like an idiot; he’s lost his marbles; he’s clinically insane,” Lyndon LaRouche commented. “These reports show that he is both scientifically incompetent and clinically insane, and he should just be gotten out of the White House immediately.”

Thursday, August 6 is a good day to make the beginning of the end of the British Empire and its drive for thermonuclear war, not only because it is the 70th anniversary of the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, but moreover because it celebrates the opening of the New Suez Canal. That great development project is exemplary of the kind of new world economic order which the BRICS and allies are bringing into existence, and which will help put the era of British imperial speculation and looting out of business… permanently.

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