India village elders order sisters gang-raped and paraded around naked


‘What happens when your brother runs away with a married woman from a higher social caste? In the case of the Baghpat district in northern India’s Uttar Pradeshin state, village elders will probably order the sibling(s) to be gang-raped then paraded around the town naked with blackened face.

An unelected, all-male council has passed such a ruling against the man’s sisters, 23-year-old Meenakshi Kumari and her unnamed 15-year-old sister, as punishment for their brother’s running away with a married woman from the village’s dominant Jat caste.

The sisters and their whole family, who are all from the lower Dalit caste, have since fled the village over fears of their safety, leaving their home at the mercy of looters.’

Read more: India village elders order sisters gang-raped and paraded around naked

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