Is Nato Going to War on Russia?

The London-based European Leadership Network (ELN) focuses on defense and security issues. Its new report is titled “Preparing for the Worst: Are Russian and NATO Military Exercises Making War in Europe more Likely?”

It warned about war games making a clash between the world’s dominant nuclear powers more likely. “Each exercise is seen as provocative by the other side and feeding a dynamic of distrust and unpredictability,” said ELN’s Ian Kearns.

America wages endless wars of aggression against invented enemies threatening no one. It prioritizes violence and instability. It spends more on militarism and war-making than the rest of the world combined.

ELN’s report absurdly accuses Russia of instigating “dangerous brinkmanship which has resulted in many serious close military encounters between (its forces) and NATO…over the last 15 months.”

Fact: Provocative NATO exercises near Russia’s borders elevate brinksmanship to a dangerously high level. Washington bears full responsibility for heading things toward possible direct confrontation. Russia responsibly readies defensive measures to implement if necessary.

On the one hand, its top priority is maintaining world peace, avoiding war. On the other, it’ll do whatever is necessary to defend its homeland.

ELN is right saying “Nato is preparing for a possible confrontation with Russia.” It’s wrong implying Moscow wants conflict with Alliance countries.

It wants world peace and stability, cooperation among all nations, and none interfering in the internal affairs of others – a US specialty in blatant violation of international law.

Accusations of Russia saber-rattling are polar opposite hard facts. Claims about its military threat are pure fantasy.

America, in contrast, is a global aggressor, a bully of historic proportions – permanently at war in multiple theaters, planning others to advance its imperium, risking global war, possible nuclear confrontation able to end life on earth.

Reprinted with permission from SteveLendmanBlog.

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