ISIS Butchers Seize Control of Terrorist Safe Haven in Northern Syria, Score Gains Near Aleppo; Latest Debacle Plays Out Treacherous Logic of Turkey’s Erdogan and US ISIS Czar Allen; Al Qaeda Cleared Out, “Free Syrian Army” Ran Away, so Caliphate Took Over Vital Territory– As Per Allen’s Calculations; Time for Obama to Reject Calls for US Divisions, Unleash Kurds, Demand Turkey Finally Interdict Border with Syria; Allen Implicated in Fake Optimism of “Reworked” Pentagon Reports of US Phony War on ISIS; Obama’s New Syria Envoy Ratney Sensibly Starting Work in Moscow Amidst Intensive Diplomacy Seeking Non-Military Solution; Neocons Hysterical Over Iran Nuclear Accord, but Obama May Have Senate Votes to Win on First Round as UK, Germany Rush to Seek Tehran’s Business; New York Times, in Best Judith Miller Tradition, Inveighs Against Deal; #FireAllen4ISIS !

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Saturday, August 29, 2015

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With A Report From Michael Chiotinis In Athens

Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq — the zone of ISIS control is shown in the center […]

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