Israeli ambassadors: the farcical face of modern apartheid


‘Israel’s government is not keen on the United Nations. A common sign in the illegal settlements reads, “UNwelcome”.

Israel sees the UN as hostile territory. Its ambassadors behave on a war footing. Ron Prosor, the former ambassador, routinely attacked senior UN officials when he didn’t agree with them, calling many “anti-Semites”.

Israel has now sent a new ambassador to the UN. Danny Danon follows Prosor – both are brash and farcical. Danon is the envoy of the settlers, a fierce advocate of “Greater Israel”.

In a New York Times opinion piece in 2011, Danon wrote that the Israeli government “should annex the Jewish communities of the West Bank, or as Israelis prefer to refer to our historic heartland, Judea and Samaria.”‘

Read more: Israeli ambassadors: the farcical face of modern apartheid

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