Jeremy Corbyn Backed Pastor Who Blamed 9/11 on Israel

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‘Jeremy Corbyn, a Parliament member who is on track to become the head of Britain’s Labor Party, wrote a letter in support of a priest who claimed that Israel and wealthy Jews were behind the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Corbyn defended Rev. Stephen Sizer, who in February posted an article on Facebook blaming Israel for the attack on the New York landmark, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.

In a letter to Anglican Church leaders after they decided to ban Sizer from using the Internet for six months, Corbyn wrote in February that Sizer was unfairly “under attack by certain individuals intent on discrediting the excellent work [he]does in highlighting the injustices of the Palestinian Israeli situation.” Corbyn has surprised many by leading in the race for Labor chief in polls of party members this summer.’

Read more: Jeremy Corbyn Backed Pastor Who Blamed 9/11 on Israel

The post Jeremy Corbyn Backed Pastor Who Blamed 9/11 on Israel appeared first on David Icke.

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