Kesha Rogers: Don’t Wait for “Too Late”— Impeach Obama Now

“A time comes when silence is betrayal”

—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

August 6th marks the anniversary of two historic occasions. The first, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The second, the 70th anniversary commemorating the day President Truman ordered the dropping of nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki only three days later.

In the midst of the fight for voting rights and justice for all, Dr. Martin Luther King interrupted his campaign to speak out against the injustices and horrors of war. He declared, “There is nothing except a tragic death wish to prevent us from reordering our priorities so that the pursuit of peace will take precedence over the pursuit of war.”

70 years after the tragic and deadly nuclear bombs dropped over Japan, killing tens of thousands of people, that tragic death wish looms—with thousands of weapons hundred of times bigger over the planet as a whole—as we witness the escalated drive toward thermonuclear war, by the actions of an ever more insane President Obama. Obama’s intention is to provoke a thermonuclear first strike attack on Russia, which would immediately escalate to nothing less than a global war of extinction.

The American people must rise like lions from their slumber, in unvanquishable number, as we did the last time Obama tried to launch an illegal war in Syria, in September 2013. It is high time to invoke the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, declare Obama to be mentally unfit for office by insanity, and remove him from office.

This threat of war coming from Obama on orders of the Queen is nothing the Russians are taking lightly. The Russians stand ready to defend their nation, but also know the threats to the extinction of the human species that such a war represents.

Statesman Lyndon LaRouche has issued a call to heed the warning of Dr. King in his epic words, “There is such a thing as being too late.” LaRouche’s recent challenge to Hillary Clinton to expose Obama’s lies on Benghazi, to bring him down now, is the unpractical flank needed to prevent “too late.”

Join in the mobilization of the LaRouche movement. Act now to defend the human species against the threat of extinction. Obama must be removed now.

Sign and Circulate the petition to Stop the Immediate Danger of World War III!

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